SEAS OF GOLD, once upon a war (...)
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 The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy

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cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
    she's the devil's friend

INSCRIT LE : 16/11/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : In the Destroyer or in Hell ou avec Vivinette
AMBITION : The destruction of my enemies, find Kevin and condemn and bring to the devil by force if necessary. Breaking down the French forces overseas and become an influential noble.
RPG AGE : ~32 ans
MOOD : Sadique et cruelle, dans l'ombre de Vicky

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: Corsaire & Compagny des Indes Orientales

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeLun 16 Nov - 16:47

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All our dreams will meet one day on the road that traced
But the pages of this book
We saw them before they are written
This will be for life
Even after
This is the life
or never.
I am the shadow in the light
I am a servant of the Devil
We don't know which side I am.
Better serve the darkness than to deny. India Company and my former boyfriend die in the flames of Hell for Mephisto.
I am the Captain of the Destroyer said the Demon Soul and we are here to destroy. Causing devastation and death on our way. Bring Chaos to earth for our absolute rule...

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My Master is the Lord of the Underworld
My Master is one who guides us
My Master is the King of the World
My Lord has freed me of Kevin the Betrayer
My Master has given me the joy of a family
My Master is one who call me
Queen of the Underworld.

Dernière édition par cpt. Aloha Ihnoe le Jeu 19 Nov - 1:17, édité 3 fois
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cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
    she's the devil's friend

INSCRIT LE : 16/11/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : In the Destroyer or in Hell ou avec Vivinette
AMBITION : The destruction of my enemies, find Kevin and condemn and bring to the devil by force if necessary. Breaking down the French forces overseas and become an influential noble.
RPG AGE : ~32 ans
MOOD : Sadique et cruelle, dans l'ombre de Vicky

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: Corsaire & Compagny des Indes Orientales

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeLun 16 Nov - 17:35

    chapter one; the identity wich prove that you are an adventurer.
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        ● full name (s): Mon nom...Quel nom...Mon origine viens du plus grand océan du monde. Nous sommes les premiers navigateurs du monde bien avant que comme dis mes confrères ou consœur les démons blancs. Mes ancêtres sont d'origine des Îles Sandwich comme le disait James Cook. Nous l'appelons Hawaii. Cela veux dire que mon nom est mon prénom est en rapport même si je suis plus blanche de peau que mes frères et soeurs de sang. Si je suis célèbre ? Pas temps que ça à vrai dire. On parle plus des mérites de cet incapable d'Ancien Capitaine qui s'est fait mettre dehors par l'équipage pour cause de mutinerie contre lui. Que de parler de la personne qui s'est réellement occuper du bâtiment. En gros, on en a rien à faire de ce minable. Je suis donc le Capitaine Aloha Ihnoe pour vous servir jusqu'en enfer et même plus si vous le souhaitez.
        ● Sex: Ma sexualité vous intéresse tant que ça ? Mon nom est mon prénom sont loin d'être masculin. Je crois qu'aucun homme ne voudrais s'appeler Aloha. SI j'insiste là dessus c'est parce que certaine personne pense que je suis un homme. Croyez-vous que les hommes ont des cheveux longs ? Le seule qui en possède c'est le Capitaine Jack Sparrow et personne d'autre. Je reviens à se que je vous disais. Est-ce que vous m'écoutez ? Je suis effectivement de sexe féminin et c'est cela qui m'a pausé pas mal d'ennui pour avoir mon rafiot. Le fait d'être une femme rende la gente masculine jaloux, macho et sexiste. Ils ont peur de voir des femmes au pouvoir !
        ● age and date of birth: Je ne sais pas du tout quel est mon âge, je l'ignore et je ne le fais pas exprès. Mes parents ne m'ont pas inscrit dans le registre de naissance tout simplement. Voilà pourquoi est-ce que l'on sais rien sur mon âge. On dit souvent que j'aurais entre 30 et 35 ans. Où même plus jeune pour d'autre !!!! Je sais juste que je suis née sur un navire un Vendredi 13 novembre. Mais j'ignore l'année. J'ai fais des recherches mais cela est restée infructueuse. C'est tous se que je sais concernant ma date de naissance et mon amour. Je vous le jure !
        ● Sexual Orientation: Hétéro quelle question !
        ● Marital status: Je suis une mère ayant deux adorables trésors, Makelina Ihnoe et Focalor Ihnoe. Ils sont tous les deux jumeaux et je ne suis pas mariée vu que ce que j'appelle c'est être inférieur d'homme qui est parti comme un lâche du navire bien avant une possibilité de mariage. Je sais qu'il a plusieurs maîtresses ce cochon qui n'est point capable de s'occuper de sa progéniture. Mais il le payera et vous comprendrez plus tard.
        ● wealth: Mon premier trésor est mon navire le Destroyer, je voue un véritable culte à ce navire. Je ne pourrais pas vivre sans, ensuite mes deux enfants. Sans eux, cela ferais longtemps que je ne serais plus sur terre. Ils m'ont beaucoup aider à supporter les fardeaux qui sont sur mes épaules depuis la perte de ma mère Waiekioa Ihnoe et depuis le départ de Kévin. Ma fille est mon petit trésor en sucre et mon fils c'est mon trésor à l'état brute.
        ● membership of a cause (Piracy, justice, etc ...): Ma cause ? Je ne suis ni pirate, ni de la Compagnie des Indes, ni les Forces Française d'Outre Mer. Je me considère comme Corsaire avec mon navire. Je sers le Diable en personne, celui qui se fait nommé Méphisto. Sur terre, il est un homme d'une cinquantaine d'année possédant une canne métallique avec eux sommet un crâne avec deux rubis rouge. Le même symbole que la figure de proue de mon navire. Je sers le mal absolu, il m'arrive parfois d'aider les pirates. Mais seulement ceux qui sont digne de confiance. Depuis la trahison de cet être abjecte de Kévin, j'ai remarqué que certains pirates se prenaient pour des Dieux et ont causés pas mal de problème et de catastrophe en sein même de la Seigneurie. Alors pour répondre mon camp est: Le mal Absolu ( Corsaire ).
        ● business to the world: Je suis une Capitaine Corsaire qui utilise les techniques de la piraterie, on nous considère hors la loi car nous avons plusieurs fois attaquer des navires de tout pays confondu. Ni blanc, ni noir. La seule chose nous devons rendre des comptes au Diable. Il n'y a que lui qui a autorité sur nous et pas les pitoyables être humains qui adorent s'entre-tuer.
        ● How do you see the future? : Je le vois dans les flammes, dans le chaos et la désolation. Quand les humains auront fini de se massacrer. Le Maître se lèvera de son royaume et règnera sur terre. L'humanité réduit en esclavage et nous serons le bras droit du Maître. Nous règnerons sur terre avec lui.
        ● family history: Waiekioa Ihnoe and Akamu Ihnoe. Son père était Akamu Ihnoe, un Seigneur Pirate connu pour avoir la grande gueule. Il était respecté malgré que beaucoup le critiquait à cause justement qu'il mettait les points sur les I quand cela n'allait pas dans l'Alliance. Son courage et sa force était admiré par la jeunesse pirate ce qui évidemment ne plaisait pas aux vétérans. Sa mère ce nommait Waiekioa Ihnoe, une indigène venant d'une tribu constituée d'ancien esclave exporté des îles Sandwich. Celle-ci était ce que l'on nomme Shaman ou si vous préférez guérisseuse. Waiekioa était le shaman du village, femme d'une beauté et d'une très grande intelligence. Elle s'intéressait à tous, très cultivée. Pourtant, beaucoup disait que celle-ci était une sorcière voire même une folle qui délirait sans arrêt avec ses histoires loufoques à dormir debout.

        Son père lui était souvent en mer et se faisait passer pour un marchand. Sa famille vivait en dehors de la ville dans les marécages. Son destin semblait tout tracée... Son père voulait qu'elle devienne Capitaine d'un navire pirate, car celui-ci n'était pas superstitieux et encore moins sexiste, macho. Malheureusement la guerre civile frappait Tortuga, celle-ci se faisait attaquer par la flotte française d'Outres Mer. Pour sauver sa famille, Akamu décidait de fuir la ville et de rejoindre la Baie des Naufragés pour avertir les Seigneurs de cette attaque. Aloha était encore une enfant, elle savait marcher et parler. Sa mère Waiekioa disait sans arrêt pendant ce voyage qu'elle ne verrait jamais la fin. Al pensait que sa mère délirait comme à son habitude et pourtant celle-ci avait raison...

        Le navire d'Akamu était attaqué par les forces françaises, celui-ci savait que le combat était perdu. Malgrés tous, il se battait jusqu'à la mort pour défendre sa famille. Juste avant de mourir Akamu donnait à sa fille deux choses : son poignard et une statuette indigène qui semble-t-il n'avait pas de valeur sur l'instant présent. Waiekioa connu le même sors mais celle-ci connue une fin horrible sous le regard horrifié d'Aloha qui tentait de la défendre... Elle assistait à la mort de chère maman à ce que tous les hommes pervers rêvent de faire à une femme décédée…Étant trop jeune et inexpérimentée celle-ci ne pouvait rien faire. Depuis ce jour la fille de Waiekioa rêve de vengeance sur la flotte française d'Outres Mer. Étonnement l'Amiral de l'époque décidait d'épargner cette enfant et de l'envoyer dans une famille de noble à Port Royal. Celle-ci héritait du collier de coquillage de sa mère Waiekioa Ihnoe....

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Dernière édition par cpt. Aloha Ihnoe le Jeu 19 Nov - 1:17, édité 2 fois
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cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
    she's the devil's friend

INSCRIT LE : 16/11/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : In the Destroyer or in Hell ou avec Vivinette
AMBITION : The destruction of my enemies, find Kevin and condemn and bring to the devil by force if necessary. Breaking down the French forces overseas and become an influential noble.
RPG AGE : ~32 ans
MOOD : Sadique et cruelle, dans l'ombre de Vicky

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: Corsaire & Compagny des Indes Orientales

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov - 0:43

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Who would have thought?
Yes, but without joy.
She has experience.
You're lucky
It is not a beginner.
It's a damned
A sacrificed.
Beautiful Black Butterfly
Who has inspired you know.
It is he who keeps hoping.
What color
From this pain?
Where have is wind?
And these songs?

Advancing forward
my not resonant,
Below me
lava flowing
I cry
come to the right time.
Cars in a second
come the end of the world.
The end of love
By the court.
Throughout this life,
I only heard her cries.
Run away again
my child.
Run away sings.
But don't cry over your fate.
I seem to believe
by black day.

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Le retour dans le passé...

    I am in a tavern in Port Royal, the Destroyer my ship is in port. I don't expect anything special except that they come to ask me to make a contract. I'm drinking tea, typical of Port Royal. I am in English territory, contrary to popular belief. I'm resting, drinking my tea in a neighborhood of the elite of the East India Company. I like the quietness of this city when the pirates are not hers. I watch the customers, some come to me as I tell my story my story that I am. Speaking of me, a customer come to me and ask me. To whom belong the Destroyer ?? With a smile, I answered his question was before here but my physical description:.

    I am a tall woman at the time, I have a long and curly hair. The pigmentation is black as are my eyelashes and eyebrows. I'm pretty white skin unlike other natives of my tribe, the reason is my curse. My eyes are very blue turquoise. My cheeks are slightly plump, my lips are pink but pink pretty clear.

    My clothes are made of pure leather, I was confused with a signet of the Middle Ages. My pants are tight to the body for a side of sexy seductive woman. Like succubi, female demons who her seduce men who have sex with and then kill them for sexual pleasure. My high is more like the coyote girl. Otherwise, I wear a long black coat worthy of the best assassins in the world.

    When I am not at war, I am wearing a long blue dress with ruby because of my past noble. Of white lace, some jewelry and my shell necklace from my late mother.

    I told my story to my partner, according to wander memories I have of my family. I would be born on a ship in a storm, my father's Akamu. I am the youngest in a family with two children, my brother was older than me. He was handsome, strong man and always nice to come play with me. His name Kahoku. I lived with my parents later on Turtle Island long before the Spanish-French invasion. According to rumors, I lived in the marshes away from others. Because of the folly of my progenitor. They told me one day, my family tried to flee in Tortuga the Franco-Spanish invasion. My brother was killed there while my parents and I took the sea towards the island of Castaway. We never expected the target. The ship is attacked by the French. My father had been killed by the survivors. I never should forget what happened to my sweet mother. She who believed in the existence of demons and the Devil. Shortly before his death, she completely delirious, saying: Even in the darkest shadows, there is always hope Aloha ... Do not ever forget. She was executed while trying to protect me. The soldiers had not missed the opportunity of the raped before me. I told them to his men. So if you can do it, kill me too.

    My wish was not fulfilled, it took me forcibly to their ship. One of my family ended up in the blackness of the abyss. They took me into a family of wealthy English aristocrat in Port Royal. I was educated as a rich noble family of Douglas. A highly respected family and close to the Governor Swann At that time was still alive. During my education, I made the acquaintance of the family Einfeld, my adoptive family and hers are very familiar. Their daughter Victoria, I looked like my little sister. I amused my way with music, singing and dancing natives. I'm up on my schooling and my studies in England. But ... I have not quite finished my studies. I returned to the Caribbean, Tortuga join for revenge ....

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cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
    she's the devil's friend

INSCRIT LE : 16/11/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : In the Destroyer or in Hell ou avec Vivinette
AMBITION : The destruction of my enemies, find Kevin and condemn and bring to the devil by force if necessary. Breaking down the French forces overseas and become an influential noble.
RPG AGE : ~32 ans
MOOD : Sadique et cruelle, dans l'ombre de Vicky

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: Corsaire & Compagny des Indes Orientales

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov - 23:43

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Le Destroyer - l'Âme du Démon

    So I was stuck at Tortuga pending a rematch. I could not recognize the city again, it was more a military base that free city. I tried to enlist in the piracy which was not easy. One captain had accepted time sailor was Hector Barbossa retissant although at first. I followed her adventures up the Black Pearl embarks on a treasure hunt curse of Cortez. I left the ship to put myself in my account. I managed to win a vessel during a bet with a somewhat drunken captain. While I think 6 years, I was on this ship as Captain Chaos of the Caribbean. I had no news of my adoptive family or Victoria. Then my life tumbled overnight. In a first battle with the Royal Louis. They captured me and took me into the Captain's Cabin. A perverse man, sexist, macho: Marc de Boisnoir. A bloody battle in the eternal ice of the South Pole. Our fight to last 3 hours in a cold unbearable. My men have perished. I set fire to the car and myself escaped by jumping into the icy ocean cut myself with ice. I walked without stumbles, in shame and anger on the ice. I do not recall how long.

    When I awoke, I was half naked on a desert island. I was doomed to death, had lost much blood. Lying under a blazing sun, I thought my time had come. I was reminded strongly of my adoptive family, my family died and Victoria and her parents. I tried in vain to call for help, there was nobody around me except me vultures circling above me. I really thought I would die there. Die like less than nothing. While I felt the life leave me a strange man dressed in black appeared before me. From about fifty years, holding a metal rod in his sleep with a metal skull with ruby red in place of eyes. He knew very well what I wanted. Me never to avenge this humiliation. I had not immediately understood that was before me. He seemed to know me, know everything about my life and my thoughts. The sky became very dark gloomy view. When he spoke, his voice inspired fear and it was cold as from beyond the grave. He proposed a pact, in exchange for the lives. I had become Captain see Lord of the seven seas. Without pause to question, I accepted his offer. The only thing he asked me was to sign his contract. I signed with a drop of blood. I did not know I had just sold my soul to the devil! I lost consciousness and was back to Tortuga.

    Initially, I felt great. Then gradually I realized that I had to do and what I became. A damned, cursed one. With me was a demon lord of war. This daemon is not visible to the naked eye, it is a demonic spirit. You are stronger than humans but very vulnerable to all that is religious. I stayed for some time hidden from the eyes of the world. When my anger erupts, my eyes turn red. No, I am not a creature flying like you see in the Bible. I decided to join the resistance against the invading French. I walked into town and perceiving a beautiful Spanish galleon in port. He had a skull with ruby. The same symbol that Mephisto had on his personal cane. Then when the guards stopped me not to ask me who I am. But to torture me or rape me worse. Then I met a mysterious man named Kevin Colls. He was a young, somewhat insulator. It helped me to free myself and I decided to take him with me to the tavern to join the conspiracy. He offered me to join him for stealing a vessel. He explained that it is one I saw at the port.

    Shortly before dawn, I helped this young man to steal the ship and proclaimed himself Captain without experience. I climbed aboard and I called Second, despite the protests of men. The first mutiny against him failed to explode. This little gem of the ocean was called the Destroyer. His new captain had no idea what story he would venture. He learned that I was a sort of witch and decided to curse the whole world without even telling me. I do not want men feel the same as me going out. Thus, the Destroyer was offered to the Devil himself. He belonged, our first mission was to free Tortuga our enemies. A mission completely failed ... For the stupidity of the King of Pirates of the time, a young insulator and incompetent that sent piracy death. I was treated crazy and stupid when I was a scandal at the Castaway Bay.

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cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
    she's the devil's friend

INSCRIT LE : 16/11/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : In the Destroyer or in Hell ou avec Vivinette
AMBITION : The destruction of my enemies, find Kevin and condemn and bring to the devil by force if necessary. Breaking down the French forces overseas and become an influential noble.
RPG AGE : ~32 ans
MOOD : Sadique et cruelle, dans l'ombre de Vicky

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: Corsaire & Compagny des Indes Orientales

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeMer 18 Nov - 0:21

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La Trahison et l'Abandon

    I fell in love with my own captain, a love that I sincerely believe that not just words of love. Shortly after the attempted takeover of Tortuga, I gave birth to two beautiful twins. Mäkelin Ihnoe and Focalor Ihnoe. Before, he name was Colls. But hating his own father it is currently named Focalor Ihnoe. The birth of my children has somewhat disrupted life on the Destroyer. The Captain himself a Pirate Lord while he did nothing concrete. I was in charge of educating my children, all by my profession of doctor / pirate. At first it was paradise, my husband also looked after her son and daughter. But gradually it turned into a nightmare for us. The curse took more space in our lives. It was a very heavy burden to bear, duty to obey the slightest whim and desire of the Lord of Hades. Having to do evil to live and survive. Besides the disagreement among the ranks of pirates.

    The man I thought was love now and having strange behavior sometimes disturbed. When my son was 14 years, Kevin was going mad towards his own child, he beat him without cause. He denigrated by calling him weak and worthless. Now Focalor was a teenager but certainly talented than his younger insulator and a father. Hatred between father and son grew. I could not do anything to stop this phenomenon. My daughter was so innocent, it did not hurt a fly. Did not like violence and war. Mäkelin was a doctor, I trained myself. My two children have never attended school. It's me who did their courses. My man could not read let alone write a letter properly. When all began, they were hardly aged 17 ...

    What every woman fears most occurred within the vessel. After yet another argument between Kevin and Focalor, his father was capable of seriously injuring my sweet. Agonizing over the bridge, I watched with pissed by calling him names and all that was unworthy of educating children. Without forgive me my son, thinking his son dead. He threw overboard. I rage and hatred against my man I no longer recognized. My daughter was under the shock was even told that his father was the king of idiots.

    A few months after that I thought the disappearance of my Don Juan. It was my turn ... A religious vessel attacked us, the battle was lost. They were too numerous and our idiot captain had ordered us to defend instead of flying to save our skin. And the worst thing happened, I'd say it was a young and inexperienced captain insulator. He used me as a shield to protect themselves because the legend: If the Captain of the Destroyer is killed in battle, he and his crew will undergo the same leave. The ship disappear forever in the depths of the ocean of darkness.

    I took up a sword in the belly and instead of trying to save me, I left there in agony. My "last souvenirs" were facing Mäkelin or rather my angel was the guardian angel of his fréro. To Victoria my childhood friend, my little sister. And to my mother Waiekioa and warned me that I had failed to listen. So I was going to be a miserable soul on the deck of that ship more than ever that my man.

    I thought I was really dead, that I'll never again see daylight. Yet someone has to decide otherwise I'm going out. The Master was furious against what came to Colls. As I had served. It decided to give me a second chance which is rare on the part of Mephistopheles. It brought me back to life with the help of the Temptress Tia Dalma. Coming back to life, I remembered every second of what he had done. I went in search of the Destroyer, my long journey took me to an island Padres Del Fuego.

    I found the tub as abandonment, sailors dead and survivors. I have asked them which was passed and they told me that Kevin had left to join the French camp. And my daughter would have died of grief. At first I thought it was bullshit. But gradually his information proved true. I hate and rage against it, I was the Second and were deprived of Captain. And this kind of traitor sal we all betrayed to join the French? Incompetent to handle his own ship and his family ... And here we are alone ...


Dernière édition par cpt. Aloha Ihnoe le Mer 18 Nov - 3:02, édité 1 fois
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cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
    she's the devil's friend

INSCRIT LE : 16/11/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : In the Destroyer or in Hell ou avec Vivinette
AMBITION : The destruction of my enemies, find Kevin and condemn and bring to the devil by force if necessary. Breaking down the French forces overseas and become an influential noble.
RPG AGE : ~32 ans
MOOD : Sadique et cruelle, dans l'ombre de Vicky

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: Corsaire & Compagny des Indes Orientales

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeMer 18 Nov - 2:58

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Une vie bouleversée et Capitaine du Destroyer

    I sailed alone on the waves with my fellow adventurers, last crew. The sadness and incomprehension invaded my heart, I could not understand why he had abandoned us: what was the reason for all this. I had to continue the mission that we had given. Become the best, become the elite of the ocean. Our task was complicated because our enemies were becoming more numerous. We were doing the job of other sal. It was us who were at the heart of the action, we are the heart of battle. For several months I mourned his absence. I sank slowly into melancholy, sadness and depression. I destroyed it from within as well as minority male pirate boring us. Traitors and cowards when it came to liberate Tortuga. Then one day, disagreements broke out among the sailors. Two clans were formed within the Destroyer, nearly killing each other because of Kevin. A clan war had almost broken out, then I took the decision to call up and explain that I had promised to return. May all our efforts had failed and that we must be considered extinct. While a new battle awaiting us, I met under the same banner. After this fight, the sailors gathered to talk to me. They legally electing the new Captain of the Destroyer by mutiny against Kevin. I had to make a choice, either accept the burden or reject it and find someone else. But nobody on the ship had enough experience for that to myself. I accepted to become the new captain, with consequences that go behind what is related to our damnation.

    1 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months later, it was now 2 years since I sailed on the ship. Life was much changed on board. I dress in black, pure black color. The void and the darkness around us. I did not know what to think, I luckily found happiness and my children live. Fortunately they were there to support me, my son always had this hatred towards his father and my daughter looked at me unhappy to see me suffer for him. Each day was a pain, every day was a pain for me. I could no longer live but I just had to take the shock. For the trouble was not over. Some of my men had betrayed me to the treacherous pirates. And the worst happens ... We were driven from our land, chased like animals in a fury. Exiled from our homeland, the hunt was launched against us. The orders were to capture us for us to try for treason when we had done nothing wrong. A chase us who were considered more as Pirate Corsair that the reason here. I carry a great deal of attention to my ship, I'm very fanatical about cleanliness me. It is often very clean, tidy and orderly. I manage to avoid problems associated with poorly maintained vessels. The weapons are the same thing, a very good maintenance is required on my part. It is also a heavily armed ship, I can not afford any fire with. Otherwise, it becomes a huge boulle fire. It's my baby, I love her more than anything else. Love does not work with me so I turned to my family and my ship.

    Some time later I learned that that was the Captain was back. But he had several mistresses that pig. It was in French so the stumble was the ultimate sink us to be able to recover his property this incompetent, this traitor. A new battle broke out but this time family. I had to find Vicky asking for help to defeat him forever. To return to whence he comes is to say to hell for the most worst of all punishments. Not death, but torture of the soul for eternity. That all deserved it ....

    I am a woman who does not run after alcohol, I have seen the ravages of rum on men. I drink very rarely. On special occasions such as festivals or ceremonies. You will understand, except Victoria, and Mäkelin Focalor. I am a lonely woman, alone and abandoned in a world of macho and sexist of an idiot.


Dernière édition par cpt. Aloha Ihnoe le Jeu 19 Nov - 1:16, édité 8 fois
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cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
cpt. Aloha W. Ihnoe
    she's the devil's friend

INSCRIT LE : 16/11/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : In the Destroyer or in Hell ou avec Vivinette
AMBITION : The destruction of my enemies, find Kevin and condemn and bring to the devil by force if necessary. Breaking down the French forces overseas and become an influential noble.
RPG AGE : ~32 ans
MOOD : Sadique et cruelle, dans l'ombre de Vicky

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: Corsaire & Compagny des Indes Orientales

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeMer 18 Nov - 4:02

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Voici ma fiche terminée Wink
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gvn. Victoria c. Enfield
gvn. Victoria c. Enfield
    i want to have more sex on my fucking world map.

INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : à dessiner les plans de mon nouveau bureau avec vue plongeante sur la potence. muahahaha;
AMBITION : T'avoir à mes pieds.
RPG AGE : trente et un ans.

METIER & PARTI ACTUEL: LADY; vice-director of the eitc; she is actually governor now; & my camp. my land.

The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Nov - 4:12

    Bienvenue Aly ! J'ai beaucoup aimé ta fiche, pour moi tout est correct ma chère sœurette ; à moins que Charly-chou ou encore Sidee d'amour aient une quelconque requête, je prends le soin de te valider. (a)
    Bon jeu, miss, j'te donne mon oui. <3

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Captain Jack Sparrow
Captain Jack Sparrow
    you'll remember...

INSCRIT LE : 19/10/2009
WHERE ARE YOU : On the Black Pearl
AMBITION : Why the rhum is gone ?
RPG AGE : 46 year old
MOOD : Yes, i like piracy this is my love


The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy   The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Nov - 6:18

Bienvenue mon Ange...
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The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy Vide
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The Evil is my god, The Evil is my ally...Everything Will Ploy

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